Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Using Dummy and Token execution steps

Token execution steps are used to route end user selections eg:
If a user selects a radio button = yes for "detailed business justification required", that field has a token called "JUST_REQD".

It is possible to create an execution step (which is based on a validation of "yes" and "no") that will look at the value of that token and will route accordingly. Coming off the execution step will be a "yes" or "no" value which routes to an "or" which in turn can route to an "and" step.

So to summarise, if '[REQD.P.JUST_REQD] = yes, then route to the step "Attach Detailed Justification Document, otherwise "no" will route to the "OR" which bypasses the need to attach this document.

Dummy execution steps can be used for many reasons:
1) If the workflow has a split into 3 steps, they will all need to be completed and will be held by the "AND" step until then. When steps are split they need to have the same request status across all steps, however I might want the behaviour across these 3 steps to differ ie: might want some fields to be mandatory. So the solution is to use a dummy step that will set the status to the individual workflow step status, enforce the mandatory fields etc and will then be routed to an "OR" step.

2) I used it to trigger a notification to "assigned to " user for the "not submitted" step. I created a dummy step with all values acceptable and setup the notifications on the dummy step. I subsequently discovered that there is a tickbox that will allow notifications to be sent on submission.

Dummy execution step called "Check DATA" is of type "sql statement" and processes immediately. The sql statement is:
select 'Y'
from dual;

This will always output "Y".
This allows this result to be used for routing eg:
"Requirements Specification Entered?"
Status on this step is "pending specification completion". Against this status, the "mandatory" radio button is set, which will ensure that it is not possible to progress until this field (Requirements Document) has a value. Once it does have a value, the only routing will be moving from this step to an "OR" step. It uses the output of the sql query and routes on the value "Yes".

[If value of output matches value in the validation (sql statement), then route according to the execution step routing]


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