Friday, August 18, 2006

How to handle single quotes in a sql statement

In this sql statement below there is a section that looks like:

where x in (...statuses ..)

One of the statuses in this list already contained a single quote around it:
'pending completion of target 'Go Live' date'

This broke the portlet. The way to fix it is to use two single quotes around Go Live so that it looks like:
'pending completion of target ''Go Live'' date'

Full sql statement below:
SELECT a.request_id REQUEST_NUMBER, a.CREATED_BY_NAME CREATED_BY, a.creation_date CREATED_ON, a.priority_meaning BUSINESS_PRIORITY, c.visible_parameter20 BUSINESS_SPONSOR, c.visible_parameter4 BUSINESS_OWNER, b.visible_parameter5 PROJECT_MANAGER, b.visible_parameter19 PROJECT_SIZE, b.visible_parameter3 PREFERRED_GO_LIVE_ETA, b.visible_parameter6 REQUIREMENTS_ETA, b.visible_parameter22 CONTROL_GROUP_PREFERRED_, b.visible_parameter1 INTERNAL_PID_ETA, b.visible_parameter12 SUPPLIER_PID_ETA, b.visible_parameter7 COMMENCEMENT_CODING_ETA, b.visible_parameter20 CODE_PLACED_ON_TEST_ETA, b.visible_parameter21 POTENTIAL_LIVE_ETA, b.visible_parameter9 ACTUAL_DATE_ON_TEST, b.visible_parameter13 TARGET_GO_LIVE_DATE, b.visible_parameter11 ACTUAL_RELEASE_DATE, a.request_id REQUEST_NUMBER_LINK, s.status_name REQUEST_STATUSFROM kcrt_requests_v a, kcrt_request_details b, kcrt_req_header_details c, knta_users d, kcrt_statuses sWHERE a.request_id = b.request_idAND a.request_id = c.request_idAND a.request_type_id = b.request_type_idAND a.request_type_id = c.request_type_idAND a.status_id = s.status_idAND a.request_type_id = 30704AND a.created_by = d.user_idAND s.status_name in('pending supplier requirements review', 'pending PID ETA and Duration', 'pending further information - control group (PID ETA and Duration)', 'pending PID analysis', 'pending attachment of supplier PID', 'pending further information - review supplier PID (by PM)', 'pending commencement coding ETA', 'pending actual date on test', 'pending completion of target ''Go Live'' date')--This section comes from the filter fieldsAND b.parameter5 in ([P.PROJECT_MANAGER])AND b.parameter19 in ([P.PROJECT_SIZE])AND TRUNC(a.creation_date) = to_date(SUBSTR('[P.CREATED_ON]',1,10), 'YYYY-MM-DD' )AND s.status_id in ([P.STATUS])AND (('[P.INCLUDE_CLOSED]' = 'Y') OR (a.status_code not like 'CLOSED%' and a.status_code not like 'CANCEL%'))--End section from the filter fields


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