How do you open workbench as an application
REM Change to your client install directory.
cd /D D:\Work\ITG\WorkbenchFiles
set classpath=.
set classpath=%classpath%;.\knta
set classpath=%classpath%;.
REM set classpath=%classpath%;.\
REM Change to the host and RMI port of your primary Mercury ITG Server.
REM jview /p /cp %CLASSPATH% com.kintana.core.gui.LogonApple
REM java com.kintana.core.gui.LogonApple
"C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_06\bin
Change the line starting with cd to point to a directory where you will place the batch file.
Change the last line, to contain the path to your Java installation.
Change the last part of the last line, i.e. scylla:10001. Replace scylla with the host name of your server machine, and the 10001 with the RMI port used for your instance. If you're not sure about the RMI port, check the RMI_URL entry in the server.conf or open the workbench the normal way, i.e. via the dashboard, and you will see the port number in the top bar.
You also have to copy over the files knta_classes.jar and libraries.jar to the same directory where you place the batch file.
You can find the two jar files on the server in the following directory
Note: every time you apply a service pack to your ITG instance you will have to copy over the to jar files again.