Sunday, April 02, 2006

Useful ITG Links

Sql Scripts

Will contain sql from various custom portlets:

Attachment Quick View:
SELECT b.source_id SOURCE_ID, ''parameter2chr(38)'viewOnly=TRUE' ATTACHMENT_LINK, a.description DESCRIPTION, b.visible_parameter2 ATTACHMENT, a.creation_date CREATED_ON
FROM knta_references b, kcrt_requests a
WHERE b.visible_parameter2 is not null
AND a.request_id = b.source_id
AND a.request_id in (SELECT a.request_id
FROM kcrt_requests a
WHERE a.status_code NOT LIKE 'CLOSED%'
AND a.status_code NOT LIKE 'CANCEL%')a.creation_date DESC

Added in filter:
created filter, called it Attachment with token name ATTACHMENT.
the where clause filter is:
AND UPPER(b.visible_parameter2) like UPPER('%[P.ATTACHMENT]%')
the field type is text

This allows someone to enter 'sportsbook' into the filter and any attachment with this word in it, either lower or upper case will be found and displayed back to the portlet.

Enhancement Info:
SELECT a.request_id REQUEST_ID, a.visible_parameter16 OXI_TEAM, a.visible_parameter15 GAMES_TEAM, a.visible_parameter14 TBS_TEAM, a.visible_parameter13 CORE_TEAM, f.status_name WORKFLOW_STATUS, d.visible_parameter2 PROJECT_MANAGER, d.visible_parameter7 ACE_REVENUE_NUMBER, c.description DESCRIPTION, b.request_type_name REQUEST_TYPE, a.visible_parameter24 PRIORITY, a.parameter44 TECHNICAL_LEAD, a.visible_parameter42 PORTAL, a.Parameter43 TECHNICAL_OWNER, a.visible_parameter22 TOTAL_ESTIMATE, a.visible_parameter21 ESTIMATED_DATE_TO_TEST, a.parameter23 DEVELOPER, a.visible_parameter25 ASSIGNED_TO, a.visible_parameter20 ESTIMATE_OXI, a.visible_parameter19 ESTIMATE_GAMES, a.visible_parameter18 ESTIMATE_TBS, a.visible_parameter17 ESTIMATE_CORE, a.request_id REQUEST_ID_HYPERLINK, a.visible_parameter26 PID_DUE_DATE
FROM kcrt_request_details a, kcrt_request_types b, kcrt_requests c, kcrt_req_header_details d, kcrt_statuses f, knta_users g
WHERE a.batch_number = 1
AND a.request_type_id = 30507
AND a.request_id = c.request_id
AND a.request_id = d.request_id
AND c.request_id = d.request_id
AND a.request_type_id = b.request_type_id
AND a.request_type_id = c.request_type_id
AND c.status_id = f.status_id
AND g.full_name = d.visible_parameter2
AND c.request_id in (SELECT c.request_id
FROM kcrt_requests c
WHERE c.status_code NOT LIKE 'CLOSED%'
AND c.status_code NOT LIKE 'CANCEL%')
--This section comes from the filter fields
AND f.status_id in ([P.WORKFLOW_STATUS])
--End section from the filter fields
Proposal Info
SELECT a.visible_parameter15 ASSIGNED_TO, a.visible_parameter11 ESTIMATE_GAMES, a.visible_parameter12 ESTIMATE_TBS, a.visible_parameter9 ESTIMATE_CORE, a.request_id REQUEST_ID_HYPERLINK, a.request_id REQUEST_ID, a.visible_parameter5 OXI_TEAM, a.visible_parameter8 GAMES_TEAM, a.visible_parameter7 TBS_TEAM, a.visible_parameter6 CORE_TEAM, a.parameter44 TECHNICAL_LEAD, a.parameter43 DEVELOPER, a.parameter42 TECHNICAL_OWNER, f.status_name WORKFLOW_STATUS, e.Prop_Project_Manager_Username PROJECT_MANAGER, d.visible_parameter7 ACE_REVENUE_CODE, c.description DESCRIPTION, b.request_type_name REQUEST_TYPE, a.visible_parameter16 PRIORITY, a.visible_parameter41 PORTAL, a.visible_parameter14 TOTAL_ESTIMATE, a.visible_parameter13 ESTIMATED_DATE_TO_TEST, a.visible_parameter10 ESTIMATE_OXI, a.visible_parameter17 PID_DUE_DATE
FROM kcrt_request_details a, kcrt_request_types b, kcrt_requests c, kcrt_req_header_details d, kcrt_fg_pfm_proposal e, kcrt_statuses f, knta_users g
WHERE a.batch_number = 1
AND a.request_type_id = 30509
AND a.request_id = c.request_id
AND a.request_id = d.request_id
AND c.request_id = d.request_id
AND a.request_type_id = b.request_type_id
AND a.request_type_id = c.request_type_id
AND d.request_id = e.request_idAND c.status_id = f.status_id
AND c.request_id = e.request_id
AND g.full_name = e.PROP_PROJECT_MANAGER_USERNAMEAND c.request_id in (SELECT c.request_id
FROM kcrt_requests c
WHERE c.status_code NOT LIKE 'CLOSED%'
AND c.status_code NOT LIKE 'CANCEL%')
--This section comes from the filter fields
f.status_id in ([P.WORKFLOW_STATUS])
--End section from the filter fields
Reports (pulling out user-defined report names to dashboard):
SELECT ks.report_submission_id REPORT_ID, ks.visible_parameter2 REPORT_NAME, ku.username USERNAME, ks.creation_date RUN_DATE, '' report_submission_id '.html' REPORT_NUMBER_HYPERLINK
FROM knta_report_submissions ks, knta_users ku
WHERE report_type_id in (20020, 20080, 20081, 20161, 20162, 30069)
AND ku.user_id = ks.created_by
ks.report_submission_id DESC
Spec Quick View:
SELECT a.description DESCRIPTION, b.visible_parameter3 API_DOCUMENT, b.visible_parameter2 TECHNICAL_SPECIFICATION, b.visible_parameter1 PID, a.request_id REQUEST_NUMBER, a.request_id REQUEST_NUMBER_LINK, ''b.parameter3chr(38)'viewOnly=TRUE' API_DOC_LINK, ''b.parameter2chr(38)'viewOnly=TRUE' TECH_SPEC_LINK, ''b.parameter1chr(38)'viewOnly=TRUE' PID_LINK, c.visible_parameter3 MASTER_DOC, ''c.parameter3chr(38)'viewOnly=TRUE' MASTER_DOC_LINK, a.creation_date CREATED_ON
FROM kcrt_requests a, kcrt_request_details b, kcrt_req_header_details c
WHERE a.request_id = b.request_id
AND b.request_id = c.request_id
AND a.request_id = c.request_id
AND a.request_type_id in (30501, 30502, 30504, 30506, 30508, 30509, 30112, 30496)
AND a.request_id in (SELECT a.request_id
FROM kcrt_requests a
WHERE a.status_code NOT LIKE 'CLOSED%'
AND a.status_code NOT LIKE 'CANCEL%')a.creation_date DESC
-- This script identifies users who still have work relating to them:
SELECT request_id
FROM kcrt_requests
WHERE request_id IN (SELECT source_id
FROM kwfl_resolved_sec_tokens
WHERE user_id IN (SELECT user_id
FROM knta_users
WHERE username IN ('user_name')))
AND status_code = 'IN_PROGRESS'
If you want to create "request no" in a portlet and want it to be clickable and not a full url but rather the words "request number",see the attached configuration.
I wanted to add "request no" as a column in a portlet and make it a link, however when I tried it out, I kept getting a long url rather than just the request number. I finally worked it out with a little help from the forum. I have documented the configuration for others who might struggle with it. This URL links to a mercury knowledge base article that I wrote:

Configuring automatic value matching and interactive select page (see page 85 of the Command Token guide):

Auto-complete field behavior can be divided into the following areas:
Field behavior. A user types a character in the field and presses the Tab
key. If an exact match is not available, the Select page opens.

The Select page behavior. For lists that are configured appropriately,
when a user types a character or characters into the field at the top of the
page, the results are automatically limited to display only matching entries.
For both the field and Select page behaviors, automatic value matching can be
based on either “starts with” character matching or “contains” character

Starts with:
UPPER(value) like UPPER('?%') and (value like
upper(substr('?',1,1)) '%' or value like
lower(substr('?',1,1)) '%')


UPPER(value) like UPPER('%?%') and (value like '%'
upper(substr('?',1,1)) '%' or value like '%'
lower(substr('?',1,1)) '%')

To configure “starts with” matching within the interactive selection window:
1. Open the auto-complete’s Validation window.
2. From the Expected list length field, select Short.
This feature is only available for short lists.
3. From the Selection mode radio button, select Starts With.
4. Save the validation

To configure “contains” matching within the interactive selection window:
1. Open the auto-complete’s Validation window.
2. From the Expected list length field, select Short.
This feature is only available for short lists.
3. From the Selection mode radio button, select Contains.
4. Save the validation.
How to understand KNTA errors? eg: KNTA-10976

where message_id = 10976

Returns meaningful data

Database Tables

Key tables:



Understanding the relationship between an instance and an objects type:Instances = RequestsInstances of objects are stored in request tables.An object type can = a request type
When writing sql queries, it is necessary to understand that you need to join tables not only on request_id but also request_type_id since there are multiple request types.

======================================================== All of these are potential prefixes to database table names eg: KCRT_REQUESTS

  • CRT - Create (Requests)
  • DRV - Drive (Project Management)
  • DLV - Deliver (Change Management)
  • PMO - Programme Management
  • PFM - Portfolio Management
  • DEM - Demand (Requests)
  • DSH - Dashboards
  • DSS - ?
  • ENV - Environments
  • KCST - Kintana Cost
  • KNTA - Validations that control ITG
  • KRSC - Resource Management
  • KRPS - PeopleSoft
  • KRQC - Quality Centre
  • KRRM - Release Management

Resource Management

Time Management

Portfolio Management

Finance Management

Change Management/Deployment Management

Programme Management

Project Management

Demand Management

There is web-based front end to ITG and a separate piece of software called the Workbench that controls configuration of the various modules including Demand Management.

Demand Management manages all demand ("keep the lights on", "Operational" and "Strategic") placed on an Organisation. It captures demand in a conceptual "funnel". Effectively, demand is held in a central repository, that will the correct configuration, can allow any employee to see any other employees workload.

For more information on Demand Management go to the following link:

What is Mercury ITG?

It is a product consisting of 8 modules:
  • Demand Management
  • Project Management
  • Programme Management
  • Change Management (Code Migration between environments)
  • Finance Management
  • Portfolio Management
  • Time Management
  • Resource Management

The product allows for any number of these modules to be implemented. It can be just Demand Management or all of them or any variation.

Mercury ITG is a tool that allows an Organisation to handle its IT Governance needs in one product set.

What is IT Governance?

The answer to this question can fill volumes of books. I intend to answer this question and many more in plain simple english.

Information Technology (IT) is a key part of any business. Every department in a business makes use of IT, there is therefore a need to ensure that IT is included in any Strategic decision making made by a Company's Board of Directors. This involvement is an extension of Corporate Governance to include IT.

The Board of Directors will typically plan ahead with short, medium and long term strategies. In order to achieve these strategies, they need to identify objectives. All projects in the organisation can be mapped to these business objectives. Projects can then be analysed to see whether the objectives are being met. Part of this planning will include key financial and resource decisions which require an understanding of projects and programmes going on in the organisation. The Board needs to look at all potential projects, existing projects and completed projects on an ongoing basis to ensure that their Strategies are sucessful. The Board will need to assess the IT needs relating to projects and programmes in the same capacity as all others areas of the business.

Finally, IT Governance ensures that all IT related decisions adhere to the businesses processes and procedures. This will ensure that all authorisations are done by the appropriate people.

So, ITG ensures that strategies are met, policies and procedures are adhered to, appropriate people perform authorisations at appropriate times. The most important element of all of this, is that there is visibility of these decisions to the extent that if there is an external audit, it will be easy to show the auditor who has made the decisions and when they were made.

Purpose of this Blog

The purpose of this blog is to provide a repository of my knowledge about a product called Mercury IT Governance (ITG).